Ver. 1.41 Jan. 3, 2025
- Added gesture list display function.
- Added "Restore all windows of the same class" to action template.
- Added "Save current gestures 2" to action template.
- Attached sub scripts "KillMGL.ahk" and "RestartMGL.ahk" to kill and restart MGL.
- Added dummy window to identify MGL process.
- Added "Do not continuously recognize long strokes in the same direction" option to recognition settings.
- Improved processing of action "Activate Previous Active Window".
- Fixed a bug that the target custom condition "Window Elements" (MG_HitTest) does not work properly on sub-monitors placed at negative coordinates.
- Fixed a bug that the "0" key cannot be specified as a trigger in the "Trigger Button Definition" dialog box.
- Fixed a bug that the " [ " cannot be specified to send keystroke in the "Input Keystroke" dialog box.
- Some UI changes and minor bug fixes.
- Updated attached AutoHotkey version to v1.1.37.02.
Ver. 1.40 June 22, 2022
- Added "Move Window" to the action templates.
- Added functions MG_PostInit() and ME_PostInit() for user-defined processing that are called after script initialization is complete.
(If you place them in the user-defined functions section in MG_User.ahk, MG_PostInit() will be called after MouseGestureL.ahk has been initialized, and ME_PostInit() will be called after MG_Edit.ahk has been initialized.)
- Fixed a bug that when the sub-button is pressed (or the wheel is rotated) after calling MG_SaveGesture(), in addition to the action that would occur if the gesture was continued from the memorized state, the action that would occur if the button was pressed alone will also be executed.
- Fixed a bug that MG_ActivatePrevWin() does not activate the previously active window in rare cases.
- Corrected detailed behavior of configuration dialog box.
- Updated attached AutoHotkey version to v1.1.34.03.
Ver. 1.39 Jan. 25, 2021
- Added "Exclude from default gesture targets" to individual target options.
- Fixed a bug where gestures that press a sub-trigger (a button that is not used to start a gesture) immediately after the strokes are not recognized correctly.
- "Restore Closed Folders" plug-in v1.01
Fixed a bug that abnormal termination occurs when "Show Closed Folders List" is executed after closing a special folder.
Ver. 1.38 Sep. 20, 2020
- Changed the hook processing of trigger buttons to be executed only on the gesture targets.
- Added "Always hook trigger buttons" to the Recognition option.
Ver. 1.37 Aug. 22, 2020
- Added the following three items to the action templates.
- Execute if no other action has been fired
- Disable timeout
- Save current gestures
- Improved retrieving the filename processing that the exe filename unique to the application can be retrieved as much as possible if the target is a UWP application.
- Changed the specification that the timeout processing to be disabled by setting the option "Time threshold" to 0.
- Reversed the behavior of "Horizontally" and "Vertically" in the action "Tile all windows of the same class".
- Added Ctrl+D (duplicate) as a shortcut key for target list and gesture list.
- Fixed a bug that all the assigned gestures are deleted when changing the target name that contains the regular expression control characters.
- Fixed a bug that the Screen Edge Recognition module cannot be added until a user defined button is created.
- Changed button icons and corrected detailed behavior of configuration dialog box.
- Added Chinese module.
Ver. 1.36 Aug. 6, 2020
- Fixed a bug that the script cannot start if it's executed in a brand new environment.
Ver. 1.35 Aug. 5, 2020
- Added the following four items to the action templates.
- Perform default behavior when a button is released
- Cancel default behavior when a button is released
- Resume Gesture Hints
- Resume Gesture Trails
- Added the function to activate the earlier active windows by re-executing the action "Activate Previous Active Window" within the parameter-specified time.
- Added option "Adjust position and size for the Windows Aero" to the action "Move and Resize Window".
- Eliminated the gaps between windows when the action "Tile all windows of the same class" is executed.
- Added edit function of the user defined buttons.
- Changed the stored folder of user defined buttons to under the Config folder.
- Added "Change to another gesture" and "Copy to other target" to the context menu of the gesture assignment list on the Main tab.
- Improved to details the interface of configuration dialog box.
- Updated attached AutoHotkey version to v1.1.33.02.
Ver. 1.34 June 4, 2020
- Help files have been updated.
- Improved some behaviors of the configuration dialog box.
Ver. 1.33 Feb. 27, 2020
- Added the following three items to the action templates.
- Minimize all windows of the same class
- Close all windows of the same class
- Tile all windows of the same class
- Added setting that number of seconds from gesture timeout to forced release of trigger buttons.
- Fixed a bug that the right button is released forcefully while right dragging the files on Explorer.
- Fixed a bug where the display position of the OK and Cancel buttons in the various action setting dialog boxes are shifted in a high DPI environment.
- Other changes in internal processing.
Ver. 1.32 Jan. 28, 2020
- High DPI environments have been supported.
- Added hotkey setting for restart of MouseGestureL.
- Added "Don't reproduce original mouse movements when undefined gesture is performed" option.
- Added a setting to register windows excluded by task switching.
(It's used by the function MG_ActivatePrevWin().)
- The specification has been changed to force all trigger buttons to be released approximately three seconds after the gesture times out.
(Countermeasure against freeze due to missing trigger button release event detection.)
- Added workaround for the problem that always on top status of taskbar is released when the "Draw trail into overwrap window" option is enabled.
In addition, performance of the gesture assignment actions have been improved in case of overwrap window option is enabled.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Ver. 1.31 May 17, 2017
- Changed main setting screen.
- Integrated Wacom pen tablet compatible module.
- Changed target name specification to case sensitie.
- Changed to be able to change target name directly on target list.
- Changed the contents of the context menu on the setting screen and some of the shortcut keys.
- Deleted user name and password from setting items.
- Executable file of AutoHotkey has been attached.
- Application icon file has been attached.
- Changed processing of Setup.vbs.
- Fixed a bug that actions can not be assigned properly when there is a sub target with the same name as the top level target.
- Fixed a bug that condition definitions being edited are applied at the same time when target icon is applied.
- Fixed minor behaviors and minor bugs in setting screen.
Ver. 1.30 June 25, 2014
- Ex-action tab has become the main tab.
- Added the icon display of target lists.
- Supported the hierarchical target management.
- Added the context menu of target, gesture and action list.
- Switch to the corresponding tab by double-clicking the target or gesture list.
- Added following shortcut keys.
Ctrl+Num : Switch to the corresponding tab. (1:Main, 2:Target, 3:Gesture, ...)
Ctrl+G : Show gesture list menu assigned to the selected target.
Ctrl+Down : Select next gesture assigned to the selected target.
Ctrl+Up : Select previous gesture assigned to the selected target.
Ctrl+E : Edit the action script with text editor.
Ctrl+F : Show or hide the sub targets.
F1 : Show Help
* The other shortcut keys appear in the context menu.
- Added the built-in variable "A_ProgramFilesX86".
- MG_User.ahk has been included to MG_Edit.ahk.
- Size of the lists of configuration dialog can be changed by setting the following variables in MG_User.ahk.
ME_ListH := 460 ; Height of Lists
ME_TListW1 := 180 ; [P.1] Width of Target List
ME_GListW1 := 150 ; [P.1] Width of Gesture List
ME_AListW := 300 ; [P.1] Width of Action List
ME_AListH := 215 ; [P.1] Height of Action List
ME_AListR := 50 ; [P.1] Ratio of Target Column Width of Action List (%)
ME_TListW2 := 200 ; [P.2] Width of Target List
ME_GListW2 := 200 ; [P.3] Width of Gesture List
ME_ListPad := 8 ; Padding
Ver. 1.20 Mar. 17, 2014
- Non-alphanumeric characters can also be used to target names.
- Name of the targets and gestures are saved automatically without pushing "Update" button.
- Added the auto-converting function between 4 and 8 direction mode for existing gestures.
- Added the display function of gesture logs.
- Added "Control Active Window as Target" to the action templates.
- The items contained in the right pane of explorer can be detected by the MG_TreeListHitTest() even if it runs on the Windows 7 or later.
MG_TreeListHitTest(1) behaves as detecting the items including text label.
MG_TreeListHitTest(0) behaves as detecting only icons.
- Changed the function name to MG Click() from MG_Send().
- Added the option "Action Starting Position" to the "Move Cursor" of action templates.
- Added a parameter to specify enable or disable the activation of minimized window to the MG_ActivatePrevWin().
MG_ActivatePrevWin(0) behaves as not activating the minimized windows.
- Improved the compatibility to targets of the MG_Scroll2().
- A new entry is created when the duplicate settings of targets or gestures are imported from a clipboard.
- Added the function opening an action script with text editor by double click on the action assignment list.
- Improved the recognition process of gestures.
It's a solution against the missing of a stroke recognition.
- Changed the data format of the action script strings in MouseGestureL.ini.
It's a solution against the problem that TABs are converted to the LFs even though not intended.
- Fixed the problem that the control handle of dialog box items cannot be retrieved correctly in Windows 8.
- Changed the size and designs of configuration dialog box.
Ver. 1.19 Dec. 5, 2013
Ver. 1.18 Aug. 16, 2012
Ver. 1.17 July 7, 2012
Ver. 1.16 June 17, 2012
Ver. 1.15 May 7, 2012
Ver. 1.14 May 1, 2012
Ver. 1.13 Apr. 12, 2012
Ver. 1.12 Apr. 4, 2012
Ver. 1.11 Mar. 25, 2012
Ver. 1.10 Mar. 22, 2012
Ver. 1.09 Mar. 18, 2012
Ver. 1.08 Mar. 16, 2012
Ver. 1.07 Mar. 14, 2012
Ver. 1.06 Mar. 11, 2012
Ver. 1.05 Mar. 8, 2012
Ver. 1.04 Mar. 4, 2012
Ver. 1.03 Mar. 1, 2012
Ver. 1.02 Feb. 28, 2012
Ver. 1.01 Feb. 12, 2012
Ver. 1.00 Nov. 19, 2011